…. of the pottery-making process. Opening the kiln today after a bisque firing is revealing and exciting. I absolutely love making pottery. It's such a fulfilling process. There’s something so rewarding about shaping and molding clay; it's amazing to see how the pieces transform from soft clay to a solid, finished functional pot. Once the clay has completely dried to the fragile bone-dry stage, it’s time for the bisque firing. This is where the earthenware pots are fired to about 1800 degrees Fahrenheit to harden it. Once the pots have been through the firing process, it's time to empty the kiln. Every time I open the kiln after a firing, it’s like opening a treasure chest filled with my hard work and creativity. It's so exciting to see how the pots have turned out. There's a wonderful sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes with the process. It truly is a journey of creativity and discovery.